Which simple sentence has a compound verb?

Becky and I weren't sure.

Anne wanted a surprise party for Carrie.

We have been planning the party since April.

Finally, we voted and decided against a surprise.

Which sentence has two verbs?

Becky and I

So im guessing A


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I'll only check one more answer for this question.

B. Anne wanted a surprise party for Carrie.

To identify the compound verb in this sentence, we need to identify the verb(s) and check if there are multiple verbs conveying separate actions.

In this sentence, the main verb is "wanted." However, there is an additional verb phrase "for Carrie," which functions as a compound verb. The verb phrase "for Carrie" indicates the additional action Anne wanted, specifically for the party to be for Carrie.

Therefore, the sentence with the compound verb is B. Anne wanted a surprise party for Carrie.