I need help in finding good online sources for my essay. The topic and question is; why do community college students drop out?

These sites should give you a good start.


Finding good online sources for your essay on why community college students drop out can be an important step in conducting comprehensive research. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to find reliable sources:

1. Start with academic databases: Websites like JSTOR, ProQuest, Google Scholar, and Academic Search Complete are excellent starting points for academic research. They provide access to a vast array of peer-reviewed articles, journals, and research papers.

To begin your search, type in relevant keywords such as "community college student dropout rates," "reasons for community college student attrition," or "factors affecting community college student retention" on these databases' search bars.

2. Look for government reports and publications: Government websites, such as those of the U.S. Department of Education or state education departments, often publish reports and studies on educational issues. These sources can provide valuable statistics, analyses, and insights regarding community college dropout rates and reasons.

To search for such reports, use search bar on the government websites and enter keywords like "community college dropout rates" or "community college retention strategies."

3. Utilize reputable educational websites: There are many reputable educational websites that publish articles, reports, and studies related to community college issues. Examples include The Chronicle of Higher Education, Inside Higher Ed, or Education Week. These sources often provide in-depth analyses, expert opinions, and case studies of community college dropout rates.

To find information on these websites, use their search functions and enter relevant keywords like "community college dropout rates" or "factors contributing to community college student attrition."

4. Consider scholarly research papers: Research papers written by scholars in the field of education can offer valuable insights and findings related to community college student dropout rates. Websites like SSRN (Social Science Research Network) or ResearchGate host a large collection of research papers that cover various educational topics.

To find research papers, enter keywords related to community college student attrition in the search bars of these websites.

5. Check for recent news articles: News articles, especially those from reputable news outlets, can provide a current perspective on the challenges and factors contributing to community college student dropout rates. Websites like The New York Times, The Washington Post, or BBC News often cover educational topics and may have articles specifically related to your essay's topic.

To find news articles, use the search functions on these news websites and enter keywords like "community college dropout rates" or "reasons why community college students leave school."

Remember, always evaluate the sources you find for their credibility, relevance, and objectivity. Check the author's credentials, publication date, and sources cited within the article. It's important to use a combination of scholarly, government, and reputable educational sources to ensure a well-rounded essay.