Which of the following illustrates mechanical weathering?

1.Carbonic acid weathers marble and limestone.

2.As plants grow, they produce weak acids that slowly dissolve rock.

3. Oxidation causes weathering in rock.

4. Repeated freezing and thawing in rocks causes weathering.

Please help me :D

freezing and thawing are mechanical processes which crack rock.

the secound

To determine which of the following options illustrates mechanical weathering, we need to understand what mechanical weathering is. Mechanical weathering refers to the physical breakdown of rock into smaller pieces without changing its chemical composition.

Let's analyze each option to determine if it demonstrates mechanical weathering:

1. Carbonic acid weathers marble and limestone: This option describes chemical weathering, not mechanical weathering. Chemical weathering involves the chemical alteration of rocks by substances like acids, which change the composition of the rock.

2. As plants grow, they produce weak acids that slowly dissolve rock: This option also describes chemical weathering. The weak acids produced by plants slowly dissolve the rock, which is a chemical process, not mechanical weathering.

3. Oxidation causes weathering in rock: Oxidation is a chemical process that involves the reaction of minerals with oxygen. Therefore, this option represents chemical weathering, not mechanical weathering.

4. Repeated freezing and thawing in rocks causes weathering: This option demonstrates mechanical weathering known as frost action or freeze-thaw weathering. When water enters cracks or pores in rocks and freezes, it expands, exerting pressure on the rock and causing it to weaken and eventually break apart.

Based on the explanations provided, option 4, "Repeated freezing and thawing in rocks cause weathering," illustrates mechanical weathering.