Graph the function. Then use your graph to find the indicated limit. You do not have to provide the graph

f(x) = 5x - 3,lim x -->5 f(x)

To graph the function f(x) = 5x - 3, we can start by choosing a few x-values and calculating the corresponding y-values. Once we have a few points, we can plot them on a coordinate plane and connect them to create a line.

Let's choose three x-values to start: x = 0, x = 1, and x = 2.

For x = 0, we have f(0) = 5(0) - 3 = -3. So one point on the graph is (0, -3).

For x = 1, we have f(1) = 5(1) - 3 = 2. So another point on the graph is (1, 2).

For x = 2, we have f(2) = 5(2) - 3 = 7. So the third point on the graph is (2, 7).

Now, let's plot these three points on a coordinate plane and connect them with a line. Since we only have three points, we can be sure that the line represents the entire function.

Once we have the graph, we can use it to find the indicated limit: lim x --> 5 f(x).

To find this limit, we need to determine the y-value as x approaches 5. Looking at the graph, we can see that as x gets closer and closer to 5, the corresponding y-values also approach a certain value.

In this case, we can see that as x approaches 5, the y-values on the graph approach the value 22. Therefore, we can conclude that the limit of f(x) as x approaches 5 is 22.

Note: If you have access to a graphing calculator or software, you can also input the function f(x) = 5x - 3 and use it to find the limit directly by evaluating f(5). In this case, f(5) = 5(5) - 3 = 22, which matches the conclusion we made based on the graph.

so, did you graph it?