Factorise 4m²-9m²



To factorize the expression 4m²-9m², we can use the difference of squares formula. The difference of squares formula states that a² - b² can be factored as (a - b)(a + b).

In this case, we have 4m² - 9m².

We can rewrite this expression as (2m)² - (3m)².

Now we can apply the difference of squares formula:

(2m)² - (3m)² = (2m - 3m)(2m + 3m) = m(2 - 3m)(2 + 3m).

Therefore, the factorized form of 4m² - 9m² is m(2 - 3m)(2 + 3m).

To factorize the expression 4m²-9m², we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the common factors, if any.
In this case, 4m² and 9m² have a common factor of m². We can write the expression as:
m²(4 - 9)

Step 2: Simplify the expression.
The expression becomes:

Therefore, the factors of 4m²-9m² are m²(-5), which can be further simplified as -5m².
