Draw an equilateral triangle ABC with side length 4cm to scale and then draw dotted lines to show all axes of symmetry of this triangle

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To draw an equilateral triangle ABC with side length 4cm, follow these steps:

Step 1: Start by drawing a straight line segment AB of length 4cm. This will serve as the base of our triangle.

Step 2: From point B, use a compass to draw a circle centered on B with a radius of 4cm. This will create an arc intersecting the line AB at point C.

Step 3: Similarly, from point A, draw another arc with a radius of 4cm to intersect the line AB at point C.

Step 4: Connect points A and C to complete the equilateral triangle ABC.

Now, let's find the axes of symmetry for the triangle:

Axis of symmetry is a line that divides a figure into two congruent parts that are mirror images of each other. For an equilateral triangle, there will be three axes of symmetry, one passing through each vertex of the triangle.

To draw dotted lines to show all axes of symmetry, follow these steps:

Step 1: Draw a line segment connecting vertex A to the midpoint of side BC. This line will pass through the midpoint of the opposite side AB. (Let's call this point M).

Step 2: Now, draw a dotted line passing through point M, extending beyond both ends. This line will be one of the axes of symmetry.

Step 3: Repeat the above steps for the remaining two vertices B and C, connecting them to their respective opposite side midpoints.

Step 4: Now, draw dotted lines passing through these midpoints, extending beyond both ends. These lines will be the remaining two axes of symmetry.

Finally, you will have drawn an equilateral triangle ABC with side length 4cm, and dotted lines showing all three axes of symmetry.