The equation H(t) = 30 + 24t - 6t^2 describes the height of a ball at any time t. What's the height of the ball after two seconds

h = 30 + 24(2) + 6(2)^2
h = 30 + 48 -24
h = 54 units

Therefore, the maximum height is 54 units


Thank you!

To find the height of the ball after two seconds, we need to substitute the value of t=2 into the equation H(t) = 30 + 24t - 6t^2.

So let's calculate it step by step:

1. Start with the given equation: H(t) = 30 + 24t - 6t^2.
2. Substitute t=2 into the equation: H(2) = 30 + 24(2) - 6(2)^2.
3. Simplify the equation: H(2) = 30 + 48 - 6(4).
4. Further simplify: H(2) = 30 + 48 - 24.
5. Perform the remaining operations: H(2) = 54.

So, the height of the ball after 2 seconds is 54 units.