Can you give me 2 examples of academic goals and career goals?

Academic goals are the majors or degrees that you seek, while career goals are the jobs you seek. Academic majors can often lead to a wide variety of jobs.

Can you give me specific goals though

What do YOU want to do?

Try these interest inventories to help you focus on your interests.

(Thanks to Ms. Sue for these links.)

Academic goals:

Masters in education
Associates in law enforcement

Career goals:

police officer

Of course! Here are two examples of academic goals and career goals:

1. Academic Goals:

a) Improve time management skills: This is a common academic goal for many individuals. To achieve this goal, you can start by creating a schedule and prioritizing tasks. You could also use time management tools or techniques, such as the Pomodoro Technique, to work in focused bursts of time followed by short breaks.

b) Enhance research skills: If you want to improve your research skills, you can set the goal of reading academic articles regularly, attending workshops or webinars on research methods, or seeking guidance from professors or mentors in your field. Consider using academic databases and making use of reference management tools like EndNote or Zotero.

2. Career Goals:

a) Develop leadership skills: If you aspire to take on leadership roles in your career, start by identifying opportunities for growth and development. Seek out leadership training programs, join organizations or clubs where you can practice leadership skills, and actively seek feedback from mentors or supervisors to improve your leadership abilities.

b) Expand professional network: Building a strong professional network is essential for career growth. Set a goal to attend industry conferences, networking events, or join professional associations related to your field. Additionally, utilize online platforms like LinkedIn to connect with professionals in your industry and engage in meaningful conversations.

Remember, these examples are just a starting point, and you can tailor your goals according to your personal aspirations and circumstances.