How many stressed syllables are in this li ne of poetry??

They glided here, they glided there

They gli'ded here', they gli'ded there'

is it correct?

Yes. There are 4 stressed syllables.

To determine the number of stressed syllables in a line of poetry, you need to analyze the meter or rhythm of the line. In English poetry, there are different types of meters, such as iambic, trochaic, anapestic, dactylic, and more. Each type of meter has specific rules for determining stressed and unstressed syllables.

In this particular line, "They glided here, they glided there," let's analyze the stressed and unstressed syllables by assuming an iambic meter. In an iambic meter, each foot consists of one unstressed syllable followed by one stressed syllable.

Breaking down the line into feet:
They gli / ded here, / they gli / ded there

Based on this analysis, there are four feet in the line, and each foot contains one stressed syllable. Therefore, there are a total of four stressed syllables in the line.

It's worth noting that poetry can sometimes have variations in meter, and different interpretations may exist. However, following the iambic meter, as done here, provides a reasonable structure for analyzing the stressed syllables.