Can you check if my answers are correct because i am having trouble with it?

The Kingdoms End

I stand at the edge of the sea,
watching waves wash onto the sand.

White foams spills over my feet
into the moat of an abandoned castle.

The king and his court have gone away,
leaving behind a pail
and a shovel
and grand plans
for the future of the kingdom.

The know the truth now.
The tide is ruler here.

1. What is one thing the beach represents to the speaker?
a. an abandoned home
b. a kingdom******
c. loneliness
d. eternity

2.On which literary device does the poet rely most in the last seven lines of the poem?
a. metaphor
b. simile
c. onomatopoeia****
d. repetition

3.Who is the speaker most likely referring to the line " The king and his court have gone away"?
a. a real king and his attendants
b. sea creatures
c. a group of children****
d. no one in particular

4. What is the rhyme pattern of the poem?
a. none of the lines rhyme****
b. all of the lines rhyme
c. each pair of lines rhymes
d. every other line ryhmes

5. This poem is mostly about the
a. imagination of children ****
b. power of the incoming tide
c. joy of watching waves break on the sand
d. calming effects of the ocean

1. b. yes

2. c. no
3. c yes
4. a yes
5. a yes

Im not sure what the answer is #2 i was actually having trouble with that..

Metaphors and similes both compare two unlike things.

Similes use like or as.
Example: She is as tough as nails.

Metaphors do not use any specific words.
Example: The assignment was a breeze.

Thank you

You're welcome.

I'm sorry, one more question. Is it a?

Yes. 2 is A.

Thank you again

You are welcome, Mariam.

To check if your answers are correct, we'll go through each question and explain how to arrive at the correct answer.

1. What is one thing the beach represents to the speaker?
To answer this question, we need to read the poem and find the lines that give us a clue about what the beach represents to the speaker. In this case, the line "leaving behind a pail and a shovel and grand plans for the future of the kingdom" suggests that the beach represents a kingdom. Therefore, the correct answer is b. a kingdom.

2. On which literary device does the poet rely the most in the last seven lines of the poem?
To determine the literary device used in the last seven lines of the poem, we need to identify the specific technique that stands out the most. In this case, the line "The tide is ruler here" is an example of personification, where the tide is given human-like qualities of being a ruler. Therefore, the correct answer is a. metaphor.

3. Who is the speaker most likely referring to in the line "The king and his court have gone away"?
To answer this question, we need to analyze the context of the line and the poem as a whole. Given that the poem talks about an abandoned castle and a pail and shovel left behind, it is likely that the speaker is referring to a group of children playing make-believe, imagining themselves as the king and his court. Therefore, the correct answer is c. a group of children.

4. What is the rhyme pattern of the poem?
To determine the rhyme pattern, we need to analyze the end sounds of the lines. Upon examining the poem, we can see that none of the lines rhyme with each other. Therefore, the correct answer is a. none of the lines rhyme.

5. This poem is mostly about the:
To determine the main theme of the poem, we need to analyze the overall message or topic conveyed. In this case, the poem talks about the king and his court leaving, the tide being the ruler, and the speaker watching waves wash onto the sand. These points suggest that the poem is mostly about the imagination of children, as they play make-believe and build castles with grand plans. Therefore, the correct answer is a. imagination of children.

Overall, your answers are mostly correct, with the correct answers being b, a, c, a, and a for questions 1 to 5, respectively.