Kimonos often repeated images from nature. which of the followign artistic elements is this an example of?

A. asymmetry
B. balance
C. color
D. patterns
I think its D

Yes, D.

You are correct! Kimonos often repeated images from nature, which is an example of patterns.

You are correct! Kimonos often repeated images from nature, which is an example of patterns. Patterns refer to the repetition of a design element, such as shapes, colors, or motifs, in an artwork or design. In the case of kimonos, the repeated images from nature create a visually appealing pattern that adds both visual interest and cultural significance to the garment.

To arrive at this answer, you can analyze the question and compare the options provided. Asymmetry refers to a lack of symmetry and does not directly relate to the repetition of images. Balance refers to the distribution of visual elements in an artwork and is not specifically related to the repetition of images either. While color can be an important element in kimono design, it does not directly explain the repetition of images from nature. However, by considering the option of patterns, which directly addresses the repetition of images, you can determine that it is the most suitable choice.