what is the topic, audience,purpose,and format of this mini-prompts. Write a letter to Mrs. Arrington discussing why students attendance is poor.

If the letter is TO Mrs. Arrington, then obviously she is the audience. What is the topic and purpose of this letter? What format do you think you should use?

Purpose--determine why attendance is poor

Audience-- Mrs. Arrington
Topic--student attendance

The given prompt is asking you to write a letter to Mrs. Arrington, discussing why student attendance is poor. To identify the topic, audience, purpose, and format of this mini-prompt, let's break it down:

Topic: The topic of the mini-prompt is "student attendance."

Audience: The audience is Mrs. Arrington, suggesting that she is a person of authority, such as a teacher, principal, or school administrator.

Purpose: The purpose of the letter is to discuss the reasons behind poor student attendance. You may want to provide an analysis, suggestions, or recommendations on how to improve attendance.

Format: Based on the given information, the format of the mini-prompt is in the form of a letter. This means you should adhere to the conventions of letter writing, addressing Mrs. Arrington formally and including appropriate structure (introduction, body paragraphs, conclusion, and salutations).

To answer the question directly, the topic is student attendance, the audience is Mrs. Arrington, the purpose is to discuss reasons for poor attendance, and the format is a letter.