Which ruin is about 140 miles southwest from Copan?

The ruin that is about 140 miles southwest from Copan is called Quirigua.

To find the ruin that is about 140 miles southwest of Copan, you can follow these steps:

1. Find the geographical coordinates of Copan. Copan is located in western Honduras, near the border with Guatemala. Its coordinates are approximately 14.845°N latitude and 89.145°W longitude.

2. Calculate the destination that is approximately 140 miles southwest of Copan. Start with Copan's coordinates and subtract 140 miles in the southwest direction.

3. Convert the distance in miles to geographical coordinates. Assuming a rough conversion rate of 1 mile = 0.014 degrees of latitude or longitude, subtract 1.96 degrees from the latitude and 2.80 degrees from the longitude.

4. Once you have the new coordinates, use an online mapping service or a geographical information system (GIS) tool to determine the specific ruin located at that geographical point.

Note: Keep in mind that the accuracy of these calculations may vary depending on the exact starting point and method used. It is always better to cross-reference with reliable sources or consult archaeological experts for accurate information about the ruins near Copan.


Look on a map of Mexico and its surrounding areas. I believe that was an old Mayan city.