The angle of a rotating shaft turns in t seconds is given by theta= ω+1/2at^2

and it is given that ω=3 2
rad/s and α=0.6 rad/s to complete θ=4 radians. Determine the time taken to complete θ=4 radians.

You posted these before as VINNY.

Perhaps if you labeled them as Physics, you might get a tutor to answer them.

btw, what does ω=3 2 mean? Is there a missing decimal ? , or ?

W= rad/s and a = 0.6. My mistake

Very sorry reiny it's just that I'm in desperate need of help and no one Is answering my questions. Could you please help me?

See previous post: Sat, 4-11-15, 4:23 AM.

To determine the time taken to complete θ=4 radians, we need to rearrange the formula theta=ωt+1/2at^2 and solve for t.

Given values:
ω = 3 rad/s (initial angular velocity)
α = 0.6 rad/s^2 (angular acceleration)
θ = 4 radians (angle to be completed)

Plug these values into the formula:
θ = ωt + (1/2)αt^2

Substituting the given values:
4 = 3t + (1/2)(0.6)t^2

Rearrange the equation to put it in standard quadratic form:
0.6t^2 + 3t - 4 = 0

Since this is a quadratic equation, we can solve it by factoring or using the quadratic formula. Let's use the quadratic formula:

t = (-b ± √(b^2 - 4ac)) / (2a)

Plugging in the values from the equation:
a = 0.6, b = 3, c = -4

t = (-(3) ± √((3)^2 - 4(0.6)(-4))) / (2(0.6))

Simplifying the equation further:
t = (-3 ± √(9 + 9.6)) / 1.2
t = (-3 ± √18.6) / 1.2

Using a calculator, we can find the two possible answers:

t ≈ 1.45 seconds or t ≈ -5.12 seconds

Since time cannot be negative, the time taken to complete θ=4 radians is approximately 1.45 seconds.