Post to the account Stock Investments.

Common Stock Shares Cost
Co.A 1,980 $91,080
Co.B 4,990 $44,910
Co.C 1,100 $24,200
I am trying to figure out what the stock investment amount is and to find the stock investment.
Additional information Sept 1, Sold 998 shares of B CO. common stock for cash at S11 per shares.

To calculate the stock investment amount, you need to add up the cost of the shares for each company. In this case, the total stock investment amount is the sum of the cost for Co.A, Co.B, and Co.C.

The stock investment amount is calculated as follows:

Co.A: 1,980 shares * $91,080 = $180,214,400
Co.B: 4,990 shares * $44,910 = $223,950,900
Co.C: 1,100 shares * $24,200 = $26,620,000

Total stock investment amount = $180,214,400 + $223,950,900 + $26,620,000 = $430,785,300

To find the stock investment after selling 998 shares of Co.B common stock for cash at $11 per share, you need to subtract the amount received from the original investment in Co.B.

Amount received from the sale: 998 shares * $11 = $10,978

To calculate the new stock investment after the sale, subtract the amount received from the original stock investment in Co.B.

New stock investment in Co.B = $223,950,900 - $10,978 = $223,939,922

Therefore, the stock investment amount is $430,785,300, and the new stock investment in Co.B is $223,939,922.

To calculate the stock investment amount, you need to find the total cost of the shares you bought and deduct any shares that were sold.

Let's calculate the total cost of all the stocks:
Co.A: 1,980 shares x $91,080 = $180,664,400
Co.B: 4,990 shares x $44,910 = $224,469,900
Co.C: 1,100 shares x $24,200 = $26,620,000

Now let's find the stock investment amount by adding up the costs of all the stocks:
Total stock investment amount = $180,664,400 + $224,469,900 + $26,620,000 = $431,754,300

To determine the remaining stock investment after selling shares of B Co., follow these steps:
1. Subtract the number of shares sold (998) from the original number of shares (4,990) of B Co.
Remaining shares of B Co. = 4,990 - 998 = 3,992 shares
2. Calculate the cost of the remaining shares using the original cost per share of B Co.
Cost of remaining shares of B Co. = 3,992 shares x $44,910 = $179,481,720

Therefore, the remaining stock investment amount after selling shares of B Co. is $179,481,720.