Charlie says that y=2x^2 is not a function because the same y value sometimes corresponds to more than one x-value.

x -2 -1 0 1 2
y 8 2 0 2 8

Is Charlie correct? EXPLAIN PLZ BC I'M LOST


it is not a function if the same x-value is related to more than one y-value.

Draw any graph. If a vertical line intersects the curve in more than one place, it is not a function.

thx Steve

Charlie is not correct in claiming that y=2x^2 is not a function. A function is a relation where each input (x-value) corresponds to exactly one output (y-value). In the given equation, y=2x^2, each x-value has a unique corresponding y-value.

To determine if a relation is a function, we can check if there are any repeated y-values for different x-values. In the given table of values, we can see that although the y-values 8 and 2 are repeated, they are associated with different x-values.

For instance, the y-value 8 is associated with x-values -2 and 2, while the y-value 2 is associated with x-values -1 and 1. This does not violate the definition of a function, as each x-value still corresponds to only one y-value.

Therefore, based on the given data, y=2x^2 is indeed a function because it passes the vertical line test, meaning that no vertical line intersects the graph at more than one point.