Let B = [-1 3 6 -3]. Find -4B.

A. [-4 12 24 -12]
B. [-3 1 4 -5]
C. [4 -12 -24 12]
D. [4 3 6 -3]

b ?

No it's not.

Multiply -4 separately to all terms inside the bracket.


-4 * -1 = 1 and -4*3 = -12

To find -4B, we need to multiply each element of B by -4.

Given B = [-1, 3, 6, -3], we can multiply each element by -4 to get:

-4B = [-1*(-4), 3*(-4), 6*(-4), -3*(-4)]
= [4, -12, -24, 12]

So, the answer is C. [4, -12, -24, 12].