two US coins that total 55 cents in value? one is not a nickel.

A coin known as the half-dime was minted in four different series, between 1794 and 1879

a 50 cent coin and a nickel

one of those is not a nickel!!!


To find two US coins that total 55 cents in value, where one is not a nickel, we can use a systematic approach by considering the various coin denominations.

Step 1: Identify the coin denominations
The US coin denominations are penny (1 cent), nickel (5 cents), dime (10 cents), and quarter (25 cents).

Step 2: Determine the coin that is not a nickel
Since one coin cannot be a nickel, we need to consider all possible denominations except 5 cents.

Step 3: Find the possible combinations
Let's go through each possible combination to determine whether it adds up to 55 cents:

1. Penny (1 cent) + Quarter (25 cents) = 26 cents (not enough)
2. Penny (1 cent) + Dime (10 cents) = 11 cents (not enough)
3. Penny (1 cent) + Half Dollar (50 cents) = 51 cents (not enough)
4. Nickel (5 cents) + Dime (10 cents) = 15 cents (not enough)
5. Nickel (5 cents) + Quarter (25 cents) = 30 cents (not enough)
6. Dime (10 cents) + Half Dollar (50 cents) = 60 cents (more than 55)

None of the combinations mentioned above fulfill the requirement of totaling 55 cents.

Since there are no valid two-coin combinations that meet the specified criteria, there isn't a single solution to this problem.