This is a group with distinct national origins or cultural patterns. For example, Norwegian Americans belong to this type of group.

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Do you mean "ethnic groups?"

Yes, you are correct! The term you are looking for is "ethnic groups." Ethnic groups refer to a group of people who share common cultural traditions, language, history, and often have a shared national or regional origin. Norwegian Americans would indeed be considered an ethnic group because they share a common Norwegian cultural background and ancestry, even though they live in America.

To find the answer to this question, you can start by understanding the terms used in the question, such as "distinct national origins" and "cultural patterns." These terms, when combined, usually refer to a particular group that has unique characteristics that set them apart from others. By relating this information to your own knowledge or researching different ethnic groups based on their national origins or cultural patterns, you can arrive at the answer.