Gloria is an artist. She sets a goal to paint 2 pieces every month. she has already painted 5 pieces. The number of pieces Gloria paints depends on the number of months she spends painting. Which statements describe the number of pieces p Gloria paints over t months if she meets her goal.

a p is the independent variable and t is the dependent variable
b t is the independent variable and p is the dependent variable
c p increases by 2 as t increases by 1
d t increases by 2 as p increases by 1
e the equation representing the situation is t = 2p + 5
f The equation representing the situation is p = 2t +5
Would the answer be e.

(b) (c) and (f) are all true

The question is poorly worded.

Yes, the correct answer is e. The equation representing the situation is t = 2p + 5. This equation shows that the number of months Gloria spends painting (t) is dependent on the number of pieces she paints (p), which aligns with the given information.

The answer is actually b.

In this scenario, Gloria sets a goal to paint 2 pieces every month, so the number of pieces she paints (p) depends on the number of months she spends painting (t). In this relationship, t is the independent variable because it can take on different values, and p is the dependent variable because it depends on the value of t.

Option b correctly states that t is the independent variable, and p is the dependent variable, making it the correct answer.

Option e, t = 2p + 5, does not accurately represent the relationship between the variables in this scenario. Similarly, options a, c, d, and f do not describe the relationship correctly.

The answer is do it yourself