What ordered pair is a solution to the equation y = 3x + 4?

a. (0,0)
b. (-5, -3)
c. (2, 10)
d. (15, 39)

I pick C is this correct?


How would I work this problem to get the answer?

y = 3 (0) + x
y = 0 + x
y = 0

To find out if the ordered pair (2, 10) is a solution to the equation y = 3x + 4, you need to substitute the values of x and y into the equation and check if the equation holds true.

Let's substitute the values:
x = 2
y = 10

Now, plug in these values into the equation y = 3x + 4:
10 = 3(2) + 4

10 = 6 + 4
10 = 10

As the equation is correct and both sides are equal, the ordered pair (2, 10) is indeed a solution to the given equation.

Therefore, your answer choice is correct.