Sheila's first jump was 3 yards 2 feet 8 inches

her second was 2 yards 1 foot 10 inches

how much longer was her first jump?

express your answer in inches

I'm having a hard time setting this up

Let's change all of the measurements to inches.

3 yards, 2 feet, 8 inches = 108 + 24 + 8 inches

2 yards 1 foot 10 inches = 72 + 12 + 10 inches

Take it from there.

104 inch


140 -94=46 inches

How do you change it into inches

To find out how much longer Sheila's first jump was, we need to subtract the length of her second jump from the length of her first jump. However, in order to perform the subtraction, we need to ensure that all the measurements are in the same units.

Let's first convert the yards and feet into inches, so that all measurements are expressed in inches:

First jump:
3 yards = 3 * 36 = 108 inches
2 feet = 2 * 12 = 24 inches
8 inches = 8 inches
Total length of the first jump = 108 inches + 24 inches + 8 inches = 140 inches

Second jump:
2 yards = 2 * 36 = 72 inches
1 foot = 1 * 12 = 12 inches
10 inches = 10 inches
Total length of the second jump = 72 inches + 12 inches + 10 inches = 94 inches

Now that both measurements are in inches, we can subtract the length of the second jump from the length of the first jump:
140 inches - 94 inches = 46 inches

Therefore, Sheila's first jump is 46 inches longer than her second jump.

At track, Sheila worked on the long jump. Her first jump was measured 3 yards, 2 feet, 8 inches. Her second jump measured 2 yards, 1 foot, 10 inches. How much longer was her first jump than her second jump? Express your answer in inches.