A poll of 700 persons attending the Taste of Chicago showed that 455 persons, 65% of the sample, believed that the food was overpriced. It is estimated that 1,250,000 persons attend the Taste. Statistics suggest that, although 65% plus or minus 5% of attendees believe that the food is overpriced, the Taste is a popular event. The raw data of the study is (are)

A. 65% of the sample.
B. 700 persons, 455 persons.
C. 1,250,000 persons, 700 persons, 455 persons.
D. (60%, 70%).

My answer is B

... not social studies

Your answer, option B (700 persons, 455 persons), is incorrect. Let me explain how you can arrive at the correct answer.

In this question, we are asked about the raw data of the study. The raw data refers to the actual numbers or values collected during the research.

To find the raw data, we need to consider the information given in the question.

The question tells us that a poll was conducted among 700 persons attending the Taste of Chicago. Out of these 700 persons, 65% of them, which is 455 persons, believed that the food was overpriced.

However, the question also mentions that the estimated total number of people attending the Taste of Chicago is 1,250,000 persons. This information is not considered part of the raw data since it is an estimate, not actual data collected during the study.

Therefore, the correct answer is option A (65% of the sample), as it represents the raw data obtained from the poll - the percentage of the sample that believed the food was overpriced.