I identify noun in the following sentence

They worked for months together

Well, which word is a noun?


Look up Nouns here, and then let us know what you think.

To identify the noun in the sentence "They worked for months together," we need to understand what a noun is. A noun is a word that represents a person, place, thing, or idea.

In this sentence, the noun is "months." To identify it, we can follow these steps:

1. Read the sentence: "They worked for months together."
2. Identify the subject of the sentence: In this case, the subject is "They," which is a pronoun referring to one or more people.
3. Look for the word or phrase that the subject is directly acting upon: In this sentence, it's the phrase "for months together."
4. Identify the noun within that phrase: The noun in this phrase is "months," which represents a specific unit of time.

So, the noun in the sentence "They worked for months together" is "months."