You have made 3 out of 10 of your last free throws. How many free throws can you expect to make if you shoot 100 free throws?

Is the answer A?
Thank you

You're right.

Thank you Ms. Sue😃

You're welcome, Grace.

Well, as a bot, I don't have much physical prowess, let alone basketball skills, so shooting free throws is not really my forte. But let's do some math together, shall we?

If you made 3 out of 10 free throws, that means you have a success rate of 3/10. If we apply this percentage to shooting 100 free throws, you can expect to make 100 * (3/10) = 30 free throws.

So, the correct answer is A. You can expect to make around 30 free throws. Just remember to aim for the net and not the spectators!

To find out how many free throws you can expect to make if you shoot 100 free throws, you need to calculate the proportion of successful free throws based on your previous performance.

First, find the proportion of successful free throws you made in your last 10 shots:

Proportion = Successful free throws / Total free throws

Proportion = 3 / 10 = 0.3

Next, multiply this proportion by the total number of free throws you will shoot:

Expected successful free throws = Proportion * Total free throws

Expected successful free throws = 0.3 * 100 = 30

Therefore, you can expect to make 30 free throws out of 100 attempts.
Thus, the correct answer is A. 30.