A protostar has a high enough ___ to become a star.

A. Volume
B. Mass
C. Temperature
D. Brightness
Is the answer B? Thank you

Yolo gurl and saaa dud are wrong!!

1. C
2. A
3. A
4. B
5. A
6. B
7. B
8. A

I got 2 wrong because of yolo gurl...

To help with the last two These were my responses

9. The earth moves in its orbit, So it’s a direction changes during the year. So we only see stars at night.
10. A stars life begins as a cloud of dust and gas. And if a certain temperature in the protostar is reached then a nuclear fusion starts and a star is created. A protostar is created when gas and dust gather together

Your welcome I hope I helped a lot of people :)

The answer is B

And these answers are for connections academy people

I believe so.

Think what is happening.
gravity on big mass squeezing center of mass harder and harder

What else could the answer be if your not to sure?


The answer is B

Answer B

The answer is 8

Saaaa dud is wrong I would have failed if I look at his but yolo gurl is right