Quick! Is "But I'll set down the pegs that make this music" act 2 scene 1 line 185(sparknotes) of play Othello a metaphor? It is right? I hope I am right!


Look up metaphor and let us know what you think.

And ... "Quick!" <~~?? You're expecting everyone to be awake and functioning at 1:18 am?

oh apologies. I live in the west coast.. time difference of 3 hours.

Yes, the line "But I'll set down the pegs that make this music" from Act 2, Scene 1, Line 185 of Othello is indeed a metaphor. It is a line spoken by the character Iago, who uses musical imagery to convey his plan to manipulate and deceive others.

Now, to confirm whether a line of text is a metaphor or not, you can follow these steps:

1. Read and understand the line: In this case, the line suggests that Iago plans to set up the necessary elements to create the desired outcome, comparing it to setting down the pegs that produce a musical sound.

2. Identify the literal meaning: The literal meaning of the line would be Iago arranging something, similar to placing pegs on a musical instrument.

3. Look for a comparison: Metaphors involve comparing two different things. In this line, Iago is comparing his scheme to the act of setting down pegs to create music.

4. Analyze the meaning: Iago is using the metaphor to express his intention to manipulate and control the events to achieve his desired outcome. By setting down the "pegs" of his plan, he believes he can make everything flow and work together like a harmonious piece of music.

So, based on the steps above, we can conclude that "But I'll set down the pegs that make this music" is indeed a metaphor in Othello. It signifies Iago's intention to manipulate the events in the play.