Which sentence contains an infinite phrase?

A. Anne passed the time by sharing her dreams.
B. Anne wanted to live in Paris.
C. Her favorite activity was riding a bike.
D. Living in hiding, she did with little privacy.
Is the answer A?



Sorry I meant infinitive. The answer is B I think.


No, the sentence A does not contain an infinite phrase. In order to identify the sentence that contains an infinite phrase, we need to understand what an infinite phrase is.

An infinite phrase is a verb phrase (VP) that includes the base form of a verb, often preceded by the word "to." It does not have a specific tense or subject.

Let's analyze the sentences provided:

A. "Anne passed the time by sharing her dreams." - This sentence does not contain an infinite phrase. The phrase "by sharing her dreams" is a prepositional phrase acting as an adverbial phrase, describing how Anne passed the time.

B. "Anne wanted to live in Paris." - This sentence does contain an infinite phrase "to live in Paris." Here, "to live" acts as an infinitive phrase, with "to" as the marker and "live" as the base form of the verb.

C. "Her favorite activity was riding a bike." - This sentence does not contain an infinite phrase. The phrase "riding a bike" is a gerund phrase acting as a noun.

D. "Living in hiding, she did with little privacy." - This sentence does contain an infinite phrase "living in hiding." Here, "living" is a present participle form used as a modifier, and it functions as an infinite phrase.

Therefore, the correct answer is D.