What are rhetorial devices and argumentation, in the Charles Kane speech

First, you need to carefully read Kane's speech.

Then, study your text materials about rhetorical devices and argumentation.

Finally apply your knowledge about rhetorical devices to the speech.

We don't give answers, but we'll be very glad to comment on your answers.

So what are rhetorical devices and argumentation.


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In order to understand the rhetorical devices and argumentation in Charles Kane's speech, you would first need to have access to the speech itself. Once you have the speech, you can analyze it to identify the specific rhetorical devices and argumentative techniques employed by Kane.

To begin, you should read the speech carefully, paying attention to the language, structure, and overall message. Rhetorical devices are techniques or figures of speech used to enhance the persuasiveness or power of the language. They can include various types of figurative language, such as metaphors, similes, and analogies, as well as other devices like repetition, alliteration, and parallelism. Look for instances where Kane uses these techniques to make his arguments more compelling or emotive.

Argumentation refers to the process of constructing and presenting arguments. In a speech, this typically involves making claims, providing evidence or support for those claims, and using logical reasoning to persuade the audience. Analyzing the argumentation in Kane's speech involves identifying the main arguments he presents, examining the evidence he uses to support these arguments, and assessing the strength of his reasoning.

While the specific rhetorical devices and argumentation in Charles Kane's speech cannot be determined without access to the speech itself, understanding the general concepts of rhetorical devices and argumentation will help you in analyzing and identifying them in any given text or speech.