an oatmeal cookie recipe that makes 24 cookies requires 1 cup of sugar if alex needs 30 cookies how many cups of sugar should she use

24/1 = 30/x

Cross multiply and solve for x.


To calculate the amount of sugar Alex should use for 30 cookies, we can set up a proportion based on the given information.

We have a ratio of 24 cookies requiring 1 cup of sugar. Let's use "x" to represent the amount of sugar needed for 30 cookies.

The proportion can be written as:

24 cookies / 1 cup of sugar = 30 cookies / x cups of sugar

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply and then divide:

24 * x = 1 * 30

24x = 30

x = 30 / 24

x ≈ 1.25

Therefore, Alex should use approximately 1.25 cups of sugar for 30 cookies.

To find out how many cups of sugar Alex should use to make 30 cookies, we can use proportions.

First, let's calculate the ratio of cookies to cups of sugar.

For the original recipe: 24 cookies = 1 cup of sugar

To find out the ratio of cookies to cups of sugar, we divide both sides of the equation by 24.

1 cup of sugar / 24 cookies = 1/24 cup of sugar per cookie

Now, we can use this ratio to determine the amount of sugar needed for 30 cookies.

(1/24 cup of sugar per cookie) * 30 cookies = 30/24 cups of sugar

Simplifying 30/24, we get:

30/24 = 5/4 = 1 1/4 cups of sugar

Therefore, Alex should use 1 1/4 cups of sugar to make 30 cookies.