What aspects of Langston Hughes's poetry did people not like in general?

Probably his political views


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I don't have text for this; it's a research assignment. I'll check out the links. Thanks to both!

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To understand which aspects of Langston Hughes's poetry were generally disliked by people, we can explore some possible reasons by looking at the historical and social context of his time, as well as considering different perspectives on his work.

1. Social and political themes: Langston Hughes was known for his poetry that was unapologetically focused on the experiences of African Americans during a time of racial segregation and discrimination. Some individuals who held prejudiced beliefs or who found uncomfortable discussions regarding race and inequality might have been put off by Hughes's direct and confrontational approach.

2. Vernacular and improvisation: Rather than conforming to traditional poetic structures and classical language, Hughes often incorporated African American vernacular and jazz influences into his poetry. This departure from established norms might have been seen as unconventional or lacking the refinement typically associated with poetry, leading some to dismiss his work.

3. Bold and unapologetic expression: Hughes explored themes of disillusionment, frustration, and anger, presenting a raw and unfiltered perspective on race and social issues. This directness could have made some readers uncomfortable or resistant to engaging with his work if they were not eager to confront the realities of the time in which he wrote.

It is important to note that while some people may not have appreciated these aspects of Hughes's poetry, he also had a substantial following and was celebrated by many for his powerful and evocative writing. Literary tastes and societal attitudes vary, and what some people might have disliked about his work, others might have admired.