According to scholars, what is one way the advent of talking pictures changed the behavior of movie audiences

This is so specialized a question, you'll need to depend on your text or other study materials for the answer. Guessing or Googling might not work.

The advent of talking pictures, also known as "talkies," changed the behavior of movie audiences in several ways. One way was the shift in audience dynamics from a silent, individual experience to a more social and interactive one. Here is a step-by-step breakdown of how talking pictures changed the behavior of movie audiences:

1. Transition from silent films: Before the introduction of talking pictures in the late 1920s, movies were generally silent, accompanied by live music played in the theater. The audience's behavior during these silent films was relatively quiet and individualistic, as there was no need for verbal communication.

2. Introduction of sound technology: With the advent of sound technology and synchronized dialogue, talking pictures revolutionized the film industry. The first feature-length talking picture, "The Jazz Singer," was released in 1927, and this paved the way for an entirely new movie-watching experience.

3. Increased popularity and engagement: Talkies quickly gained popularity among audiences, mainly because the inclusion of synchronized dialogue made movies more engaging and immersive. The ability to hear actors speaking their lines and conveying emotions added a new dimension to storytelling.

4. Social interaction: The inclusion of sound in films turned movie-watching into a more social activity. Audiences started engaging with the characters and dialogues, prompting them to react with laughter, gasps, and even applause. This social element increased the communal experience of watching movies, leading to more animated and interactive behavior within theaters.

5. Conversations during screenings: As talkies became more prevalent, audiences started to engage in conversations during screenings. This change in behavior could be attributed to the added sound, making it easier for people to talk to each other without disturbing the experience.

6. Changing cinema etiquette: The introduction of talking pictures necessitated changes in cinema etiquette. As movies became more social events, theater owners and managers had to adapt their rules and regulations to accommodate the evolving behavior. For example, talking was generally discouraged during silent films, but with talkies, theaters had to find a balance between allowing conversation and maintaining a respectful atmosphere.

In summary, the advent of talking pictures changed the behavior of movie audiences by transitioning the cinema experience from a silent, individual activity to a more social and interactive one. It increased engagement, sparked conversations during screenings, and led to changes in cinema etiquette to adapt to the evolving audience dynamics.

To find out one way the advent of talking pictures changed the behavior of movie audiences according to scholars, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by searching for scholarly articles or books on the topic. You can use academic databases like JSTOR, Google Scholar, or your local university library's online resources. Consider using keywords such as "talking pictures," "sound films," and "movie audience behavior" to find relevant sources.

2. Look for articles or books specifically focusing on the impact of talking pictures on movie audiences' behavior. These sources may discuss various aspects, such as changes in audience reactions, viewing habits, or social dynamics.

3. Read through the selected sources and pay attention to the findings and arguments presented by the scholars. Take note of any specific examples, data, or theories mentioned that highlight the changes in audience behavior resulting from the introduction of talking pictures.

4. Consider the overarching themes and patterns that emerge from the literature. Scholars may discuss how the introduction of sound in films affected audience engagement, attendance patterns, or even the type of content being produced.

5. Finally, summarize the findings from the scholarly sources to identify one way the advent of talking pictures changed the behavior of movie audiences according to scholars. This could include adjustments in audience expectations, increased attendance rates, modifications in film production techniques, or shifts in the types of stories being portrayed.

Remember, understanding the full context and consulting multiple sources will lead to a more comprehensive and accurate understanding of how the advent of talking pictures changed movie audiences' behavior according to scholars.