Even though I do not believe the Big Bang is what created the universe(although what people clam the bing bang was would have been similar to what happened when God said "Let there be light"

I still have astronomy hw. haha.

I am having trouble with this question.
The big bang theory predicted..

1)the hubble law
2)that the sky should be dark at night
3)the period-luminosity relation of Cepheid variables
4)the abundance of helium
5)the cosmological principle
6)the cosmic microwave background radiation

^ and any number or combination of those can be chosen.

To determine which statements were predicted by the Big Bang theory, we can break down each option and see if it aligns with the theory's predictions.

1) The Hubble law: This law states that the velocity at which a galaxy is moving away from us is directly proportional to its distance from us. This observation supports the expansion of the universe, which is a fundamental concept of the Big Bang theory. Therefore, the Big Bang theory predicted the Hubble law.

2) The sky should be dark at night: This statement is known as Olbers' paradox. If the universe were infinite and unchanging, our line of sight would eventually intersect with the surface of a star, making the night sky as bright as day. However, the darkness of the night sky suggests that the universe has a finite age, as predicted by the Big Bang theory. So, the Big Bang theory predicted that the sky should be dark at night.

3) The period-luminosity relation of Cepheid variables: Cepheid variables are pulsating stars used as standard candles to estimate astronomical distances. The Big Bang theory did not directly predict the period-luminosity relation of Cepheid variables. However, this relation has been important in measuring the distances of galaxies, which supports the Big Bang theory indirectly.

4) The abundance of helium: The Big Bang theory predicts that shortly after the initial explosion, there was a period of nucleosynthesis, during which light isotopes like hydrogen and helium were formed. The predicted abundance of helium in the universe matches the observations, supporting the Big Bang theory.

5) The cosmological principle: The cosmological principle states that, on large scales, the universe is homogeneous and isotropic. In other words, it looks the same in all directions and from all locations. This principle is a fundamental assumption of the Big Bang theory.

6) The cosmic microwave background radiation: The Big Bang theory predicts that when the early universe cooled down after the initial explosion, it would have left behind a faint glow of radiation known as the cosmic microwave background radiation. This prediction was confirmed in 1965 by the discovery of this radiation, providing strong evidence for the Big Bang theory.

So, based on the explanations given, the statements predicted by the Big Bang theory are:
1) The Hubble law
2) That the sky should be dark at night
4) The abundance of helium
5) The cosmological principle
6) The cosmic microwave background radiation