Construct the Fourier series of the following periodic function.


To find the Fourier series of the given periodic function, we will first determine the coefficients of the series. The Fourier coefficients can be calculated using the following formula:

a0 = (1/2π) ∫[0,π] f(x) dx
an = (1/π) ∫[0,π] f(x) cos(nx) dx
bn = (1/π) ∫[0,π] f(x) sin(nx) dx

Let's start by finding the coefficient a0:

a0 = (1/2π) ∫[0,π] f(x) dx
= (1/2π) ∫[0,π] 1 dx
= (1/2π) [x] from 0 to π
= (1/2π) (π - 0)
= 1/2

Next, calculate the coefficients an by integrating the given function multiplied by cos(nx):

an = (1/π) ∫[0,π] f(x) cos(nx) dx

For n = 1:
a1 = (1/π) ∫[0,π] (1)(cos(x)) dx
= (1/π) ∫[0,π] cos(x) dx
= (1/π) [sin(x)] from 0 to π
= (1/π) (sin(π) - sin(0))
= 0

For n > 1, the integral of the cos(nx) term over [0,π] will result in zero. Hence, all an (for n > 0) will be zero.

Now, let's calculate the coefficients bn by integrating the given function multiplied by sin(nx):

bn = (1/π) ∫[0,π] f(x) sin(nx) dx

For n = 1:
b1 = (1/π) ∫[0,π] (1)(sin(x)) dx
= (1/π) ∫[0,π] sin(x) dx
= (1/π) [-cos(x)] from 0 to π
= (1/π) (-cos(π) + cos(0))
= (1/π) (-(-1) + 1)
= 2/π

For n > 1, the integral of the sin(nx) term over [0,π] will result in zero. Hence, all bn (for n > 1) will be zero.

Therefore, the Fourier series of the given periodic function is:

f(x) = 1/2 + (2/π)sin(x)

This is the representation of the given function as an infinite sum of sine functions, weighted by the coefficients calculated.