kamil is the only person who listens intently to professor tams long boring history lectures

What do you think?

AND ... where would the capitals and other punctuation marks be?

To summarize the situation, it appears that Kamil is the only person who listens intently to Professor Tam's long, boring history lectures.

To determine if Kamil is the only person who listens intently to Professor Tam's long boring history lectures, you would need more information and evidence. Here's how you can gather the information:

1. Observation: Observe the behavior of other students during Professor Tam's lectures. Pay attention to their level of engagement, note-taking, and body language to see if they also listen intently.

2. Conversation: Talk to other students who attend Professor Tam's lectures and ask them about their level of attention and interest. Inquire if they find the lectures boring or if they actively listen and engage with the material.

3. Surveys or polls: Conduct a survey or poll among the students attending Professor Tam's history lectures. Ask them about their level of focus and interest during the lectures to get a broader understanding.

By combining these methods and gathering data from multiple sources, you can determine whether Kamil is the only person who listens intently to Professor Tam's long boring history lectures.