what is the typical main sequence lifetime of a M-type star?

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a trillion years

The typical main sequence lifetime of an M-type star can vary depending on its mass. On average, M-type stars have a longer main sequence lifetime compared to more massive stars.

According to the information provided on the website, the main sequence lifetime of a 0.1 solar mass M-type star is estimated to be around 300 billion years. However, for higher mass M-type stars, the main sequence lifetime can be shorter. For instance, a 0.3 solar mass M-type star has a main sequence lifetime of approximately 60 billion years.

Keep in mind that these estimates are based on current observational data and theoretical models and may be subject to revisions as scientific understanding advances.

To determine the typical main sequence lifetime of an M-type star, you can refer to the Hertzsprung-Russell (H-R) diagram. The H-R diagram is a graph that plots the luminosity (or absolute magnitude) of stars against their surface temperature (or spectral type).

M-type stars are red dwarfs, which are the most common type of star in the universe. They have low mass and relatively low luminosity. The main sequence lifetime of a star is the time it spends fusing hydrogen in its core, which powers its energy output.

According to the information provided in the link you shared (http://www.astronomynotes.com/starprop/s14.htm), the main sequence lifetime of an M-type star can range from tens of billions to trillions of years. This is significantly longer than the main sequence lifetime of larger stars, like the Sun, which is estimated to be about 10 billion years.

The exact main sequence lifetime of an M-type star can vary depending on its mass. Generally, lower mass stars have longer main sequence lifetimes because they consume their hydrogen fuel more slowly. Since M-type stars are relatively low in mass, they have longer lifetimes compared to larger stars.

If you want to explore more about the main sequence lifetime of M-type stars or further study the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, you can use the provided link or conduct additional research.