the downhill ski club is organizing a ski trip. group tickets for the ski trip are priced at 20 for the first 100 skiers and a discount of 5.00 for each of the skiers over 100.

a) write a formula to find the average cost of x skiers.
b)write a formula to find the average cost of the ticket per skier.
c)if 185 skiers go what will be the average cost per ticket?
d) how many skiers need to go to bring the price per ticket to $16.00?

(a) ?? unless the pricing varies somehow the cost for x skiers will always be the same

(b) [100*20 + x(20-5)]/x


(b) [100*20 + x(20-5)]/(100+x)

a) The formula to find the average cost of x skiers can be written as:

Average cost = (20 + (x - 100) * 5) / x

b) The formula to find the average cost of the ticket per skier can be written as:
Ticket cost per skier = (20 + (x - 100) * 5) / x

c) If 185 skiers go, the average cost per ticket can be calculated by substituting x = 185 into the formula:
Average cost per ticket = (20 + (185 - 100) * 5) / 185

d) To find how many skiers need to go to bring the price per ticket to $16.00, we can set the equation as follows and solve for x:
16 = (20 + (x - 100) * 5) / x

a) To find the average cost of x skiers, we need to consider the pricing conditions. For the first 100 skiers, the ticket price is $20. For each skier over the first 100, there is a $5 discount. So, we can calculate the average cost using the following formula:

Average cost = ($20 + ($5 * (x - 100))) / x

b) To find the average cost per ticket, we divide the average cost by the number of skiers:

Average cost per ticket = Average cost / x

c) If 185 skiers go, we can substitute this value into the formula from part a) to find the average cost per ticket:

Average cost = ($20 + ($5 * (185 - 100))) / 185

Plug in the values and solve the equation to find the average cost per ticket.

d) To find the number of skiers needed to bring the price per ticket to $16, we can rearrange the formula from part a) and solve for x:

Average cost = ($20 + ($5 * (x - 100))) / x

Set the average cost to $16 and solve the equation to find the value of x.