Jason and Doug competed in the long jump at a track meet. Jason long jump was 98 inches. Doug long jump was 3 yards. How much longer was Doug jump than Jason Jump?

would this answer = to 10 if not please can you show me the steps so I can understand,

1 yard = 36 inches

3 yards = 36 * 3 = 108 inches

Your answer of 10 inches is correct.

To find out how much longer Doug's jump was than Jason's jump, we need to compare their jump distances.

First, we need to convert Doug's jump distance from yards to inches since Jason's jump distance is given in inches.

1 yard is equal to 36 inches. So, to convert Doug's jump from yards to inches, we need to multiply his jump distance (3 yards) by the conversion factor (36 inches/yard):

Doug's jump distance in inches = 3 yards * 36 inches/yard
= 108 inches

Now that we have both jump distances in inches, we can find the difference to determine how much longer Doug's jump was:

Difference in jump distances = Doug's jump distance - Jason's jump distance
= 108 inches - 98 inches
= 10 inches

Therefore, Doug's jump was 10 inches longer than Jason's jump. So, your answer is correct!