Alice is trying to open a jar of pickles. Trying as hard as she can, the top to the jar will not turn. According to the scientific definition, is Alice doing work? What has to happen for Alice to be doing work?

To determine if Alice is doing work, we need to consider the scientific definition of work. In physics, work is only done when a force is applied to an object, and the object moves in the direction of the force. In this situation, Alice is trying to open a jar by applying a force, but the jar is not moving. Therefore, according to the scientific definition of work, Alice is not doing work.

For Alice to be doing work, the jar must move in the direction of the force she is applying. This means that Alice needs to apply enough force to overcome the resistance or friction between the lid of the jar and the jar itself. Once the lid starts to move and the jar opens, Alice would be doing work by exerting a force and causing the jar to move.