A train leaves Buffalo traveling west at

60 miles per hour. An hour later, another
train leaves Buffalo traveling east at
80 miles per hour. When are the two
trains the same distance from Buffalo?
Show the equation you use.

d1 = d2

60 + 60t = 80t
20t = 60
t = 3 h.


To determine when the two trains will be the same distance from Buffalo, we can set up an equation based on their distances.

Let's assume the time it takes for the slower train to be the same distance from Buffalo as the faster train is "t" hours. Since the slower train leaves an hour later, its time will be t - 1 hour.

The distance covered by the slower train in t - 1 hours can be calculated using the formula: distance = speed * time.
So, the distance covered by the slower train is 60 * (t - 1) miles.

Similarly, the faster train covers a distance of 80 * t miles in t hours.

Since we want the two trains to be the same distance from Buffalo, we set up the equation:

60 * (t - 1) = 80 * t

Simplifying the equation:

60t - 60 = 80t

Now, we solve for t:

60t - 80t = 60
-20t = 60
t = 60 / -20
t = -3

The negative value of t doesn't make sense in this context, so let's discard it. Hence, the two trains will be the same distance from Buffalo after 3 hours.

Therefore, the equation used is 60 * (t - 1) = 80 * t.