Two players have the same batting average.

Player 1
At bats: 132
Hits: 45

Player 2
At bats: 32
Hits: 45

Player 1 gets four hits in the next five at bats. Player 2 gets three hits in the next three at bats.

Who has the higher batting average? Does this seem fair?

Player 2 had 32 times at bat. Yet he had 45 hits. How can that be??

Does your question have a mistake?

Oh, I meant 132. I didn't notice my mistake, apologizes.

How can Player 2 get more hits than at bats?

Player 1

At bats: 137
Hits: 49
Average: 0.358

Player 2
At bats 135
Hits: 48
Average: 0.0.356

Thank you.

To determine who has the higher batting average, we need to calculate the batting average for each player.

Batting average is defined as the number of hits divided by the number of at bats. So, let's calculate the batting averages for each player.

For Player 1:
Batting average = Number of Hits / Number of At bats
Batting average = 45 / 132
Batting average ≈ 0.341

For Player 2:
Batting average = 45 / 32
Batting average ≈ 1.406

Based on the calculations, Player 2 has a higher batting average with approximately 1.406, while Player 1 has a batting average of approximately 0.341.

Now, let's analyze if this seems fair. In baseball, batting average is often used as an indicator of a player's hitting ability. It represents the player's success in getting hits relative to the number of times they have been at bat.

In this scenario, Player 2 has a very high batting average due to a small number of at bats (32) and a high number of hits (45). This suggests that Player 2 has been very successful at getting hits in the limited number of times they have been at bat.

On the other hand, Player 1 has a lower batting average but has a larger number of at bats (132). Although Player 1 has a higher total number of hits (49 after getting four hits in the next five at bats), the batting average takes into account the ratio of hits to at bats, which results in a lower value.

Therefore, it may not seem fair that Player 2 has a much higher batting average even though Player 1 has more hits overall. However, it is important to note that batting average is just one metric used to assess a player's ability, and there are other factors to consider when evaluating a player's performance.