Which of the following is not an example of a transition word or phrase?

A. Consequently
B. Or
C. Beyond
D. For instance

my answer is c.

I agree with C, I checked a list of Transition words and Beyond was not listed.

To determine which of the options is not an example of a transition word or phrase, we need to understand what transition words or phrases are. Transition words or phrases are words or phrases that help connect ideas and show the relationship between different parts of a sentence or paragraph.

Let's analyze each option to determine if it is a transition word or phrase:

A. Consequently: This is a transition word that shows a cause and effect relationship. It connects a result or conclusion to a previous statement.

B. Or: This is a conjunction that introduces an alternative or choice. While it is not specifically a transition word, it can still be used to connect ideas in a sentence or paragraph.

C. Beyond: While "beyond" is a word, it is not typically used as a transition word or phrase. It refers to something being further away, outside, or more extensive than something else. Therefore, it does not fit the definition of a transition word or phrase.

D. For instance: This is a transition phrase that provides an example or clarification for a previously mentioned statement.

Thus, based on the analysis above, you are correct. Option C, "Beyond," is not an example of a transition word or phrase.