1. Pets welcomed

2. American and Indian food served
Can the expression be used as titles?

They can be used either as titles or as shortened versions of sentences on signs.

1-1. Pets which are welcomed

2-1. American and Indian food which are served
Thank you for your help.
Do the previous ones mean these ones?

Yes, the expression "Pets Welcomed" and "American and Indian Food Served" can be used as titles. Titles are a way to succinctly convey the main theme or purpose of something, such as a business, event, or advertisement. In this case, "Pets Welcomed" can be used as a title for a pet-friendly establishment, such as a hotel or restaurant, to let potential customers know that they are allowed to bring their pets. Similarly, "American and Indian Food Served" can be used as a title for a restaurant or food establishment that offers a menu with both American and Indian cuisine options. These titles are clear and concise, providing a brief description of what customers can expect.