Are the following expressions equivalent? Prove your answer.

5(3x+2) and 15x+10

5(3x+2) = 15x + 10

Thanks :)

You're welcome.

To prove if the two expressions, 5(3x+2) and 15x+10, are equivalent, we need to simplify both expressions and check if they are identical.

Let's start with the expression 5(3x+2):

To simplify this expression, we need to apply the distributive property of multiplication over addition. We multiply the 5 with both terms inside the parentheses:

5(3x+2) = 5*3x + 5*2

Simplifying further:

5(3x+2) = 15x + 10

Now let's compare this with the given expression 15x+10:

From the simplification of the previous expression, we found that it is equivalent to 15x + 10.

Therefore, we have proved that the two expressions, 5(3x+2) and 15x+10, are indeed equivalent.