I can't figure this one. At a math contest,12 problems were given. Five points were awarded for each correct answer,and two points were deducted for each incorrect answer. Matt's score was 39.How many correct answers did he have.5-2(12-5)=39,5-24+2=39,7=63,9

Let x = the number of problems where he got it right

since the total number of problems is 12,
Let 12-x = the number of problems where he git it wrong

Now, it was said that 5 points are awarded for every correct answer, or

and 2 points are deducted for every wrong answer, or

and the total score he got is 39. Thus,
5x - 2(12-x) = 39
5x - 24 + 2x = 39
7x - 24 = 39
7x = 39 + 24
7x = 63
x = 9 correct answers
12-x = 3 wrong answers

hope this helps~ `u`

To solve this problem, we need to use the given information and some algebraic equations.

Let's denote the number of correct answers as "x".

According to the problem statement, each correct answer earns 5 points. Therefore, the total number of points earned from correct answers is 5x.

On the other hand, each incorrect answer deducts 2 points. Since there were a total of 12 problems, the number of incorrect answers can be calculated as (12 - x). Therefore, the total number of points deducted from incorrect answers is 2(12 - x).

The overall score of Matt is given as 39. So, we can form the equation:

5x - 2(12 - x) = 39

Now, let's solve for x:

5x - 24 + 2x = 39
7x - 24 = 39
7x = 39 + 24
7x = 63
x = 63/7
x = 9

Hence, Matt had 9 correct answers.