French artist daguerre invented the camera using which creative sensibilities that were developed during his painting and set design career?

A. an eye for line and form
B. an eye for patterns and design
C. an eye for color placement and color mixing eye for composition and design

Inventors often work to find faster, more efficient ways of completing a task. How did samuel F.S. Morse use his artistic ingenuity to create a more effcient telegraph machine?
A. by using higher-quality wires
B. by using more wires and background objects
C. by using fewer wires
D. by using stronger wires

1. D
2. D or A

the answers in the order the qc asks them is

1. C
2. B
3. D

Thank you mr smart!

1) C
2) B
3) D

I think #1 is correct, but #2 is so specific, it must be addressed in your text.

1. D

2. C.

thx your correct!

mr. smart 100% correct! correct! Thanks!

Warframe is the best!



To determine the correct answer for the first question about the invention of the camera by French artist Daguerre, we need to understand the creative sensibilities that were developed during his painting and set design career.

Considering the options provided:
A. An eye for line and form: This option refers to a strong sense of observing and composing visual elements, which is relevant to the arts but not specifically related to the invention of the camera.
B. An eye for patterns and design: This option suggests an understanding of visual patterns and the ability to arrange elements in a visually pleasing manner, which may have been useful in designing the camera.
C. An eye for color placement and color mixing: Although color is not directly related to the invention of the camera, an understanding of color theory and its application can still be beneficial for photographers later on.
D. An eye for composition and design: This option aligns closely with the principles of photography, which involve composing a scene and considering various elements such as subject placement, balance, and visual flow.

Considering the information provided, the correct answer for the first question would be D, an eye for composition and design.

Moving on to the second question about Samuel F. B. Morse and his artistic ingenuity in creating a more efficient telegraph machine:

Considering the options provided:
A. Using higher-quality wires: Although using better-quality wires can improve overall performance, it does not specifically address the artistic ingenuity and efficiency that Morse applied to his invention.
B. Using more wires and background objects: Adding more wires and background objects would likely complicate the telegraph machine rather than making it more efficient.
C. Using fewer wires: Reducing the number of wires can streamline the telegraph machine, potentially making it more efficient.
D. Using stronger wires: While strong wires can enhance durability, strength alone does not address efficiency.

Considering the information provided, the correct answer for the second question would be either D or A, depending on the intended focus. If the question emphasizes artistic ingenuity, then answer D, using stronger wires, may be more relevant. However, if the emphasis is on improving efficiency, then answer A, using higher-quality wires, may be more appropriate.

However, it's important to note that these answers are provided based on the information given, and further research could provide more precise answers.