A metal from group 1 and a nonmetal from group 17 are?

A. Not likely to bond
B. Likely to form a covalent bond
C. Likely to form a ionic bond
D. Likely to form a metalloid
is it c pls help me
pls help me

i just posted this question and dr.bob22 answered it in a different question

been there done that below

metals and halogens are likely to form ionic bonds

thank you

To determine the answer, we need to consult the periodic table. Group 1 elements are known as alkali metals, while Group 17 elements are known as halogens.

Alkali metals (Group 1) have one valence electron, which they readily lose to form a positively charged ion. Halogens (Group 17) have seven valence electrons and tend to gain one electron to form a negatively charged ion.

Since alkali metals have a tendency to lose electrons and halogens have a tendency to gain electrons, they are likely to form an ionic bond. In an ionic bond, the metal atom donates an electron to the nonmetal atom, resulting in the formation of oppositely charged ions that are attracted to each other, forming a strong bond.

Therefore, the correct answer is C. Likely to form an ionic bond.