In which sentence is the meaning of the word inarticulate best expressed?

A. he impressed the audience with his inarticulate expressions
B. the young girl was exceptionally animated and inarticulate.
C. she had many ideas to share, but she was an inarticulate speaker***
D. the young boy had always beed inarticulate in his favorite class.
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To determine in which sentence the meaning of the word inarticulate is best expressed, we need to understand the definition of the word. "Inarticulate" refers to someone's inability to express their thoughts or ideas clearly or effectively, often due to a lack of fluency, coherence, or verbal skills.

Let's analyze each sentence to find the one that best fits this definition:

A. "He impressed the audience with his inarticulate expressions."
This sentence suggests that the person mentioned was able to communicate their thoughts or ideas, albeit in an inarticulate manner. Therefore, this sentence does not convey the meaning of inarticulate appropriately.

B. "The young girl was exceptionally animated and inarticulate."
This sentence implies that the young girl was lively or expressive in her actions or behavior, but it does not necessarily indicate her ability or inability to express herself verbally. Thus, the meaning of inarticulate is not effectively expressed in this sentence.

C. "She had many ideas to share, but she was an inarticulate speaker." ***
This sentence accurately conveys the meaning of inarticulate. It suggests that while the person mentioned had several ideas to express, they struggled to communicate them clearly or effectively when speaking. Therefore, this sentence best represents the meaning of inarticulate.

D. "The young boy had always been inarticulate in his favorite class."
This sentence implies that the young boy consistently struggled to express himself clearly or effectively within the context of his favorite class. While it does demonstrate inarticulateness, it does not provide specific information about whether the boy had ideas to share or how he expressed himself in other situations.

Based on the analysis, the sentence that best expresses the meaning of the word inarticulate is sentence C: "She had many ideas to share, but she was an inarticulate speaker."