Most licensing agencies offer an orientation meeting for applicants who want to obtain licensing for a child care facility or a family day care home. This meeting is designed to help the applicant to

A. determine where to open his or her program.
B. locate financial backers for his or her program.
C. understand all the regulations and requirements for operating the facility.
D. understand the fundamentals of the ages and states of child development.

I'll be glad to check your answer.

i said it was c

You are right.

According to the Department of Health and Human Services Day Care Requirements (DHHSDCR), in a federally funded child care center, the maximum allowable group size for children between the ages of three years and six years (based on scheduled enrollment) is

A. 12.
B. 6.
C. 8.
D. 18.

The correct answer is C. understand all the regulations and requirements for operating the facility.

To determine the answer, we should look at the purpose of the orientation meeting mentioned in the question. The orientation meeting is specifically for applicants who want to obtain licensing for a child care facility or a family day care home. The purpose of this meeting is to provide guidance and information to the applicants about all the regulations and requirements they need to meet in order to operate their facility.

Option A, determining where to open the program, may be a part of the applicant's decision-making process, but it is not the main purpose of the orientation meeting.

Option B, locating financial backers, is not mentioned in the question and is not typically a part of the licensing agency's role or responsibility.

Option D, understanding the fundamentals of child development, may be important for operating a child care facility, but it is not explicitly mentioned as the purpose of the orientation meeting.

Therefore, the best answer is C, understanding all the regulations and requirements for operating the facility.