According to the law of conservation of mass, what should the product side of this single replacement reaction look like?

A. H2ZnCl2
B. H2+Zn+Cl2
C. H2+ZnCl2
D. ZnCl2
Is the answer D?

pls help me

To determine the product side of this single replacement reaction, we need to understand the general rules for these types of reactions and apply the law of conservation of mass.

In a single replacement reaction, one element in a compound is replaced by another element. In this case, zinc (Zn) is replacing hydrogen (H) in hydrochloric acid (HCl).

To balance the equation, we need to make sure that the number and type of atoms are the same on both sides of the reaction.

First, let's look at the products side options provided:

A. H2ZnCl2
B. H2+Zn+Cl2
C. H2+ZnCl2
D. ZnCl2

Now, let's analyze each option:

A. H2ZnCl2

This option suggests that hydrogen replaces zinc in the compound. However, single replacement reactions typically involve a more reactive element replacing a less reactive one. Since hydrogen is less reactive than zinc, this option is unlikely.

B. H2+Zn+Cl2

This option does not form a compound. It separates the elements without forming a new substance. We're looking for a compound as the product.

C. H2+ZnCl2

This option suggests that hydrogen replaces zinc in the compound. However, as mentioned earlier, hydrogen generally doesn't replace zinc in this type of reaction. So, this option is also unlikely.

D. ZnCl2

This option consists of zinc chloride. Zinc replaces hydrogen in the hydrochloric acid, forming zinc chloride. This balanced equation conforms to the law of conservation of mass.

Thus, the correct answer is option D - ZnCl2.

Remember to consider the reactivity of elements and the law of conservation of mass when balancing and determining the product side of chemical reactions.